Sound Design for Seven Fashion Performances
Sonifying processes of digitisation
Entering the huge museum hall, the visitors sit around its main patio. Custom digital media are projected onto a white floor placed on the museum’s ground. For each performance, a unique atmosphere is created visually and sonically.
7fb is the audio-visual concept for an event at the “Museum of Communication Berlin”. Seven fashion performances were shown in one overarching concept. Byrke Lou was running the live music show. With a team she produced the sound concept and visual concept under the responsibility of Hannes Hoelzl. A customized speaker system was installed in cooperation with satis-fy Berlin.
The sound Byrke Lou created for one of the shows was a reflection of digitizing organic material. Experimental microphoning and minimalistic audio effects were used to create a soundscape that would reverberate beautifully in the large halls of the event’s space.