“Code had a heart, maybe even a soul, when
Lou scanned for life and structures within
independent and interacting systems.”
Austin Chronicle
Byrke Lou produces customized, site-specific sound art, which includes live-coded music. She writes code, which in real-time is translated into electronic music. In her production process Byrke Lou uses field recordings mixed with the latest technological developments of sound synthesis such as artificial intelligence. She builds sensor systems and instruments, employing these new technologies. Performances frequently include her custom instruments in symbiosis with traditional music instruments.
Often a choreography with dancers is part of her performance as well an additional virtual layer. Her performative and sound work explores life in future, virtual worlds.
Live Performance
I play live sets of electronic music from 15minutes to 6 hours. My performances include site-specific new media productions or extensive digital art installations.
Artistic Direction Sound
I produce sound designs and sound concepts for events and media. This can include building customized instruments, custom recording systems or custom sound systems.
I compose soundscapes, music and pieces for installations, film, events, and generally sonic experiences.
I produces music using innovative methods of sound production, such as artificial intelligence, custom coded synths and my own sound-generating instruments.